Brussels hikes walks in Brussels and the Sonian Forest map

brussels hike #1 | the sonian forest


parc solvay-tournay
1:30 hrs
7 kms

Snaking along the Vuylbeek (literally “dirt stream”), you’ll be surprised by the life emerging from these swampy surroundings.

Narrow paths, trickling streams, some mosquitoes, and an overall cool sensation on your skin is what you can expect.

The route starts and returns to Parc Solvay-Tournay. Don’t forget to say hello to the giant, pre-hispanic Olmec head when making your way back from your foray into the Sonian forest.


how to open a gpx file

There are many GPS apps that can open .gpx files, but I like to use Komoot. It’s very hike-friendly and shows you stats like walking speed, difference in elevation, and time remaining.

If you take photos, it might even make a “custom” aftermovie for you with ukulele music.